Osgoode’s Internationally Trained Lawyers Day (OITLD) is a unique opportunity for legal employers, lawyers and law graduates from different countries, and those who may otherwise be going through the process of accreditation or licensing alone, to learn, share and celebrate internationally trained talent across Canada. 

Our main focus is to provide internationally trained lawyers and law graduates an in-depth understanding of the unique paths available in reaching their goals and contributing to the Canadian legal profession.

Join us for OITLD 2025 on May 28, 2025!

For over a decade, Osgoode has been the go-to resource for lawyers and law graduates like you, providing expert guidance, clarity into licensing pathways, and career connections. Get the tools and support you need at OITLD. 

Register and find out more about the sessions offered on our Eventbrite page.

Hear from Internationally Trained Lawyers

The journey to practicing law in Canada is unique for every internationally trained lawyer and a statement our speakers are all too familiar with. At our 8th annual OITLD, they shared their stories along with some inspirational quotes and tips that are sure to encourage and inspire any ITL looking to practise or study in Canada.

Click here to read insights from past attendees who generously shared their experiences and wisdom.

“Being an internationally trained lawyer is a strength. It may not seem like it at the beginning of your journey because there is no doubt there are obstacles and challenges you will need to overcome, but you have a broader and more enriching set of perspectives and knowledge compared to the people that you’re competing with for jobs and opportunities. Don’t forget that. It’s a journey. Enjoy the journey.”

Victoria Watkins
Executive Director, Osgoode Professional Development & Assistant Dean

You are not alone!

OsgoodePD works with a number of associations and organizations specifically for internationally trained lawyers, ensuring that no one has to go through the NCA and licensing process alone. Be part of the community and discover the number of services and opportunities available to you.