About Us
Do you want to become a lawyer in Canada?
Osgoode Professional Development (OsgoodePD) is the life-long learning arm of Osgoode Hall Law School. Osgoode is Canada’s oldest and most diverse law school, and we’re proud to offer the broadest range of programs for internationally trained lawyers. Part of our mission is to integrating internationally trained lawyers and law graduates in the Canadian legal profession. It’s a mission we’ve been committed to for over a decade – through our programming, advising and our annual conference for Internationally Trained Lawyers.
The goal of this page is to provide internationally trained lawyers with resources to help them navigate the NCA process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information on this page contains OsgoodePD’s non-binding interpretations of how the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) requirements apply to the main categories of candidates and is up to date as of March 2024. The NCA is an independent regulator and candidates are responsible for reviewing its requirements and determining how those requirements apply to them individually, including obtaining approval to satisfy NCA requirements by taking courses or an LLM program.
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Explore Our Blog Series
At OsgoodePD we’ve spent a decade of experience working in this space, helping thousands of internationally trained lawyers fulfill their goal of becoming licensed to practise law in Canada. Every day we connect with current and prospective students about their goals, to share advice and information about the process. In this four-part blog series, we hope to share this information with a broader audience.
Discover Your Options
If you are interested in practising law in Canada, first familiarize yourself with the NCA. We offer a variety of options to prepare yourself to become a lawyer in Canada as well as meet NCA requirements.
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