Osgoode Professional Development (“OsgoodePD”) is committed to protecting your privacy.

OsgoodePD (as part of York University) is subject to a policy on access to information and protection of privacy and the University complies with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31. Links to these documents and other information on access to information and protection of personal information are available on York’s Information and Privacy Office website.

You are always free to browse our website without having to identify yourself; however, when placing an order through the website, you will be required to provide some personal information. This privacy statement discloses the information gathering and privacy practices for our website, legal authority granted under the York University Act, 1965.

OsgoodePD uses your personal information:

  • to process and fulfill your orders; and
  • customize the delivery of information to you.

OsgoodePD will occasionally use this information to generate statistics and aggregate reports for internal use (none of which contain any personally identifiable information. Your identity will remain anonymous).

The information you provide on www.OsgoodePD.ca  is used only by OsgoodePD and in very limited circumstances by Osgoode Hall Law School and/or York University or approved partners. We will never sell or rent information about our customers to third parties.

OsgoodePD may disclose personal information if legally required to do so, or if necessary to comply with legal process served on OsgoodePD, protect OsgoodePD’s rights or property, or take emergency action to protect the personal safety of users of the OsgoodePD website or the public.

What information does OsgoodePD collect? Why?

To place an order through our website, certain information is considered mandatory fields:  your name, firm or company affiliation, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number and fax number. This information allows OsgoodePD to process and fulfill your order and provide notification of your order status. This information will be used to confirm that the order is correctly processed.  Other information can be provided to OsgoodePD to ensure relevant information is sent to you.

How does OsgoodePD protect your information?

OsgoodePD protects, retains and disposes of information in compliance with York University’s record retention policies: http://ipo.info.yorku.ca/records-management/

Opting out of email

You may unsubscribe or opt-out from receiving e-mail from OsgoodePD at anytime.

How can you stay current with any changes in our privacy policy?

Policies and rules relating to the Internet evolve quickly. If we make changes to our privacy policy, we will make any necessary updates to this page.

How can you contact us with questions or comments?

Client and Technical Support

Have questions? Get advice in person, by email or over the phone.