Trademarks are all around us. To many trademark owners, they represent millions, if not billions, of dollars in goodwill. How is that goodwill created in the first place, and what role does the law play in its creation and maintenance? Do Canadian courts do an adequate job of protecting goodwill against counterfeiters, infringers and "free-riders" who attempt to ride their coattails, especially in the area of "famous marks"? Is our Trade-marks Act equipped to stop trade-mark "pirates"; at the border? Is it equipped to protect the interests of exclusive licensees and distributors who create a local market for branded products against parallel importers of "grey market" goods? Students will have the opportunity to consider these and other thorny questions as they explore policy, doctrine, and jurisprudence in the field of trade-marks and unfair competition law.


Anti-requisite: LAW 6751 - Trade-Mark Law

NCA equivalence:


Terms Offered

Fall 25

Video conference available

Course Section: A

6.0 credits

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