Tort law is one of the basic legal topics that every law student in the common law world studies, usually in the first year of the legal studies. Though there are differences, some of them very significant, between different common law jurisdictions, all of them share a history, derived from English law. Because tort law is an "old" subject, many of the terms used in the tort law of the different common law jurisdictions are identical. By far the most important tort these days is negligence, which is a central legal concept that remains significant in many legal areas (e.g., the liabilities of officers in a corporation, securities law, and others). Because of its significance we will dedicate much of the course to it. However, it is not the only tort in existence, and we will spend some time in the course discussing other torts. The course is quite intensive. There is a significant amount of material to cover in a relatively limited amount of time. This means that there will be substantial readings for each week. On the other hand, since all of you have legal background, we will be able to proceed at a faster pace than a first-year tort law course. This means that we will not be able to cover every case in the readings and every detail of the doctrine in class. Rather, the course will aim to provide a detailed overview of the structure of the doctrine, and then focus on several important questions within each topic, where I hope to see your active participation. Because we will not be able to cover everything in class, the discussion in class will assume your familiarity with the readings. For this reason it is vital that you read all assigned materials and come prepared for class. As this course is part of a LL.M. program, you will be required to write a research paper. The paper will cover a group of torts, known as "economic" or "business" torts, that we will not cover in class. These torts are mostly used to regulate the limits of "fair" competition between businesses.


Open only to current and prospective NCA candidates.

Pre-requisites: None

Anti-requisites: CCLW 6450 - Canadian Tort Law (Online); CCLW 6516 - The Canadian Law of Obligations

NCA equivalence:

Yes - satisfies Tort Law competency

Terms Offered

Winter 25

Course Section: M

6.0 credits

Fall 25

Course Section: A

6.0 credits

Fall 26

6.0 credits

Winter 26

6.0 credits

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