The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to and overview of Canada's legal system and the role of law in Canadian society. Topics considered include the overarching legal framework, the various sources of Canadian Law, the different branches of Canadian government, separation of powers, the role of international law, the nature and function of common law reasoning and judicial review in the Canadian system, basic approaches to statutory interpretation and selected issues relating to law and Aboriginal peoples. This course is taught in an interactive online format, with regular instructor and classmate interaction. In each section of the course, students will do independent reading, review multimedia content in the course website, and communicate with their instructor(s) and fellow students. Regular group work, problem-based learning, practical exercises, and research and writing assignments will be required at key points during the course. At the conclusion of the course, students will participate in exam review and write an invigilated final exam.
Pre-requisites: N/A
Anti-requisites: CCLW 6502 - Foundations of Canadian Law, CCLW 6847 - Canadian Public & Constitutional Law, BLIS 6513 - Introduction to Canadian Law
NCA equivalence:
Terms Offered
Fall 25
Video conference only
Course Section: A
3.0 credits
Fall 26
3.0 credits
Winter 26
3.0 credits
Winter 27
Course Section: M
3.0 credits
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