Designed as a deeper learning experience for all professionals, certificates are intensive, practice-based programs taught by faculty with real-world experience.
Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Education Equity Secretariat, Ontario Ministry of Education
Ruth Goba
Former OHRC Interim Chief Commissioner/Consultant
Eligible for:
Your chance to hear from some of Canada’s leading experts at a time when addressing human rights has never mattered more.
Interpreting and applying human rights legislation presents a complex and often unique set of challenges. The Osgoode Certificate in Human Rights Theory and Practice, now in its 12th year, was designed specifically for lawyers, human rights and human resources professionals, and will give you the knowledge to correctly apply the appropriate regulatory framework to protect your organization, your employees and yourself.
The increased focus on human rights as evidenced by the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, Indigenous rights and the most recent fall-out arising from conflict in the Middle East has served to underscore the importance of being able to understand and, more importantly, apply human rights concepts in today’s rapidly changing world. A stellar faculty of practicing lawyers, human rights professionals and academics will address the key themes in this comprehensive certificate program.
What You’ll Learn
Theories of rights and theories of discrimination
The objectives and administration of human rights laws in Canada
The duty to accommodate in relation to gender, disability, religion/creed, family status and other human rights grounds
The interplay between human rights legislation and other related legislative regimes
Addressing competing rights
Strategic decision-making to resolve complaints through informal or formal processes
The role of human rights agencies (Commissions, Tribunals,
Advocacy Centres) and the Courts
Identifying and resolving ethical issues and issues of fairness in human rights matters
Dealing with the aftermath of a human rights complaint
Plus! Don’t miss your chance to network with your peers and our stellar faculty.
Who Should Attend
Human Rights Professionals
Human Resources Professionals
Human Rights Lawyers
Employment and Labour Law Practitioners
In-House Counsel
Trade Union Representatives
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professionals
Consultants in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Legal Aid Lawyers
Program Directors
Patrick Case
Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Education Equity Secretariat, Ontario Ministry of Education
Ruth Goba
Former OHRC Interim Chief Commissioner/Consultant
Advisory Board
Antonella Ceddia
Executive General Counsel & Head of Legal Services, Toronto Catholic District School Board
Shelagh Day
Former President & Senior Editor, Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Fo Niemi
Executive Director, Centre for Research Action on Race Relations (CRAAR)
Dora Nipp
Former Human Rights Education & Change Specialist, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Susan Ursel
Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP
Anna Abbott
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Lisa Addario
Member, Canadian Industrial Relations Board
Anthony Anirud
Commissioner, Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB)
Yvette Barnes
Consultant, Turner Consulting Group
Patricia D’Heureux
Cavalluzzo LLP
Debbie Donsky
Superintendent of Education, Toronto District School Board
Mahejabeen Ebrahim
Human Rights System Lead, TDSB
Professor Jake Okechukwu Effoduh
Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University
Karin Galldin
Goldblatt Partners LLP
Cara Gibbons
Employment and Labour Lawyer, City of Toronto
William Goldbloom
WG Resolutions
Amelia Golden
Golden Investigations
Matthew Horner
Counsel, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Rani Khan
Senior Legal Counsel and Legal Manager, Human Rights Legal Support Centre
Susan Lindsay
Counsel, Law Commission of Ontario
Marian MacGregor
Executive Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion, York University
Geetha Philipupillai
Goldblatt Partners LLP
Ashley Richards
Principal Legal Counsel & Investigator, Richards Advocacy
Morgan Sim
Morgan Sim Law
Ilinca Stefan
Staff Lawyer, ARCH Disability Law Centre
Kimberley Tavares
Deputy Principal, University of Toronto Schools
Nana Yanful
Yanful Law
Carol Murray
OPSEU VP, Local 277, Peel Paramedic Union
“The whole day was valuable. Simply excellent. I have just been referring to my written notes for this day and they are a great review of a great day. ”
Welcome and Introduction from Program Directors
Ice Breaking Session
The Human Rights Revolution
Theories of Rights
Understanding Theories of Discrimination
The Bigger Picture: Exploring the Substantive Purposes of Human Rights in Canada – How Do We Serve the Paris Principles?
The Canadian Human Rights System: An Analysis of How Human Rights Laws are Administered Across Canada
Reflective Session on Theories of Discrimination
The Duty to Accommodate
Competing Rights
A Model Human Rights Policy
Small Group Exercise: The Duty to Accommodate in Relation to Disability, Creed and Family Status
Reflective Session – Wither the Duty to Accommodate?
Questioning Assumptions in Human Rights Matters
Record Keeping
Practical ExerciseSimulation
Mooting the Simulation
Written Reports
Interplay Between Human Rights Legislation and Related Legislative Provisions
Remedies and Beyond
Debrief & Reflective Session
Workplace Investigations
Advancing the Law
How it Works at the Human Rights Tribunal: From Application to Decision and What to Do if Your Organization Receives an Application
Judicial Review
New Developments in Human Rights Law: Panel Discussion
Substitution of registrants is permitted prior to the start date of the program. If you are unable to find a substitute, a full refund is available if a cancellation request is received in writing 21 days prior to the start of the program. If a cancellation request is made with less than 21 days notice, a $250 administrative fee will apply per person. Within 7 days of the program start date, no refund is available. Payment is required to receive access to the program.
We will make every effort to present the program as advertised, but it may be necessary to change the date, location, speakers or content with little or no notice. In the event of program cancellation, York University’s and Osgoode Hall Law School’s liability is limited to reimbursement of paid fees.
As law evolves, we know how important it is to stay up to date. We also understand the financial implications of continuously upgrading your professional skills and knowledge. For more information on available options, including Job Grants, OSAP, please visit:
To receive an Osgoode Certificate, you must attend all program modules and successfully complete the post-program online multiple-choice assessment by June 9, 2025.
Lisa Highgate
Senior Human Rights Advisor, Western University
“The program was packed with excellent content, and excellent, accomplished and diverse faculty. …Overall left feeling inspired and informed. Thank you.”
CPD and Accreditation
OsgoodePD is an accredited provider with the LSO, the Law Society of BC and NY CLE Board. Select your location to view the eligible hours you may claim.
Are you a law graduate or an executive/senior professional with at least 5 years of specialized experience? Consider a full-time or part-time LLM degree.
Do you have an LLB/JD? Consider taking a single LLM course for deeper learning in a specific area of practice – all credits will apply towards a Professional LLM.
Program pages and brochures will include specific information including key dates, or see our Refunds & Cancellation Policies page.
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Once a program reaches capacity, a waitlist will be created. This does not guarantee your registration in the program; however, it places you on a priority contact list. If any spots become available, you may be notified by email or phone to confirm if you would like to proceed with the registration. Once contacted, you will typically be given 24 hours to confirm your interest. If you do not confirm interest within the provided timeframe, you will be removed from the waitlist and the next person will be contacted.
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A selection of our Certificates are eligible for OSAP funding.
Please note the following exceptions that may affect OSAP funding eligibility for our certificates:
Students receiving Second Career funding for a micro-credential during their study period are ineligible;
Although grants will not be converted to loans, a grant may become repayable if a student withdraws, is determined to be overpaid in grant funding, or income cannot be verified within one year;
A student cannot receive OSAP for micro-credential assistance for their study period if it overlaps with another micro-credential study period in which they are concurrently receiving OSAP for micro-credential funding. However, students may overlap their micro-credential study period with a study period that is part of a different full- or part-time program that they are concurrently receiving funding for through Full-Time OSAP or Part-Time OSAP, provided that OSAP funding was not assessed for the micro-credential course(s) through a Full-Time or Part-Time OSAP application.
NOTE: In order to obtain access to the program, full payment is required at least 1 business day prior to the first module of the program.
Job Grants
The Canada-Ontario Job grant may be applicable to employers seeking to train their staff. To find out if your organization is eligible for the grant and the program you wish to enrol in qualifies, visit: The MTCU Canada-Ontario Job Grant page
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Many of our programs include 120-day unlimited, online access to view the recorded program. See the program page or brochure to find out if the program you’re interested in includes this access. If you need more time to view the content, or have questions about the access, please email:
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Our programs are typically offered once annually, around the same time each year; however, there are a few exceptions where certain programs are offered multiple times throughout the year (i.e. The Certificate in Adjudication). To receive updates on all our new and upcoming program offerings, please click here to subscribe to our email list.
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If the program includes access to the recording, you will have unlimited online access to the recorded content for 120-days from the end date of the program.
Access is only for the registered delegate. In the event of misuse, access can be revoked.
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CPD hours for each program can be found on the program web page and program brochure. For questions regarding CPD hours, please email
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A limited amount of financial assistance is available for OsgoodePD Programs unless specific bursary information appears on the program page/program brochure. Head to our Financial Assistance page for more information.
Yes. We do offer group rates on our programs. Please visit our group rate page for more information. Some exceptions apply, and rates are subject to change.
Our Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs, ranging from one-hour briefings to more intensive certificate programs, are for all professionals. There are no general prerequisites for these programs; however, individual programs often have specific requirements to register. These are noted on individual program pages and .pdf brochures.