Program Director

Susan Abramovitch

Gowling WLG LLP

Eligible for

The world of arts and entertainment — whether it be music, film, television, live theatre, games or books — can be very creative and exciting.

It is also a very challenging and complex environment, particularly for those working behind-the-scenes.

If you are working in the industry, as a lawyer, producer or business affairs professional, it is essential that you have a solid understanding of the legal aspects of your work. The Osgoode Certificate in Entertainment Law was created to provide those with or without a law degree with a comprehensive and practical overview of entertainment law in Canada.

Now in its 14th year, led by Program Director Susan Abramovitch, and taught by a highly distinguished faculty of experts drawn from the music, film, television, gaming, live stage events and publishing industries, this certificate covers the key principles you need to know, together with practical insights, strategies and tactics for tackling the most pressing issues in entertainment law. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to acquire a comprehensive overview, and to “drill down” into the key issues and challenges that you will likely encounter. You will also receive materials prepared by OsgoodePD’s expert faculty which will serve as a valuable ongoing resource.

Registration includes 120-day unlimited, online access to the recorded program.

What You’ll Learn

Issues to consider when negotiating with “the talent”

How the collective bargaining process works

How tariffs in music are set and how collective rights translate into royalties for artists

The rights that construct the chain of title and how to avoid drafting pitfalls that would undermine it

Strategies to employ when negotiating and drafting option, distribution, format and licensing agreements for film and television

How to understand net profits

Canada and U.S. tax issues that arise for people in the entertainment industry

Financing a co-production: what you need to know

Who Should Attend


Business Affairs Analysts

Directors of Business Development/Business Affairs

Development Executives

In-House Counsel

Rights Managers and Directors

Entertainment Lawyers in Private Practice

Union and Guild Professionals

Contract Managers and Administrators

Funding Administrators

Policy Advisors



Program Director

Susan Abramovitch

Gowling WLG LLP


Chandler Buchanan

Manager, Regulatory Media, Rogers Communications Inc. (Online Participant – February 2021)

“All topics covered were very useful for painting a full picture of issues that could arise when working in the entertainment industry, whether as a producer or lawyer.”


Please Note

The information below is from the 2025 iteration of this certificate. A detailed agenda for the upcoming program will be available soon.


Feb 23-27, 2026

$3,795 + TAX


Feb 23-27, 2026
9:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m (ET)

Printable Registration Form

If a downloadable form is required, please contact

“Is financial assistance or funding available?”

As law evolves, we know how important it is to stay up to date. We also understand the financial implications of continuously upgrading your professional skills and knowledge. For more information on available options, including Job Grants, OSAP, please visit:

Certificate Requirements

To receive an Osgoode Certificate, you must attend/view all five program modules and successfully complete an online assessment within 30 days of the last module. 

Laurie Christianson

Manager of Contracts and Documents, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

“Very wide breadth of info, covering a lot of topics. Overview was great. Good to see how various aspects of Entertainment Law all interact.”

CPD and Accreditation

Please Note

The hours below are for the 2025 iteration of the program and should be used as an estimate only. Confirmed hours will be available soon.

OsgoodePD is an accredited provider with the LSO, the Law Society of BC and NY CLE Board. Select your location to view the eligible hours you may claim.

CPD Hours
Contact us for inquiries about other provinces.
Substantive29h 45m
Total34h 45m
Substantive29h 45m
Total34h 45m

Are you reporting hours from a previous date?

View our CPD & Accreditation page to see previously calculated hours for this course.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Client and Technical Support

Have questions? Get advice in person, by email or over the phone.

Program content questions

Stéphane McRoberts, Program Lawyer

Online Technical Requirements

To ensure you do not encounter any issues that will impact or limit your learning experience, please review the following information.