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Osgoode Professional Development offers a uniquely broad and flexible range of graduate and continuing education programs.
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News and Highlights
Program Spotlight
Aging population changing the focus of wills and estates lawInsight/Tips
Tips for International Students: Applying for a Graduate Diploma or an LLM in CanadaProgram Spotlight
New Program Directors in the Certificate in Administrative AdjudicationProgram Spotlight
Osgoode certificate helps businesses improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace View all News
women working on laptop in classroom setting
Jonathan O'Hara
Program SpotlightOsgoode webinar tackles shifting U.S.-Canada trade relations
Male and female colleagues reviewing a paper in an office setting.
Women in court with her back to the frame with documents
OsgoodePD blended program helps Miller Thomson LLP provide hands-on training for associates - OsgoodePD Blog - Feature Image
Bruce Ryder and Fay Faraday, professors for the part-time Professional LLM in Constitutional Law