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Susheel Gupta

October 6, 2021

Roz Bahrami

At OsgoodePD, we frequently talk about our ‘top-notch’ and ‘world class’ instructors – acknowledged industry experts and leading legal practitioners. But rather than just talk about them, each month we’ll introduce you to one. You’ll be able to get to know them ‘beyond the classroom’ and learn what makes them exceptional leaders and teachers.

How did you first get involved with OPD?

A number of years ago I was approached by a senior member of the Bar who was Chairing an OPD CLE program. He knew of my expertise in a unique area of the law (computer crimes, electronic evidence and practice issues) and asked me if I could think of a topic I would like to present on to a wider audience. He asked me” if you had an opportunity to educate fellow members of the Bar on the area of Cybercrime, what would you want to present on?”. It was that question and the eventual presentation for OPD that got me started being involved with CPD, and OPD specifically.

What inspired you to focus your career in our area(s) of practice?

Unfortunately, my mother was killed in Canada’s largest act of terrorism (the June 23, 1985 terrorist bombing of Air India Flight 182), when I was 12 years old. That tragedy led me down a path to wanting to work in the criminal justice system. Having had a terrible experience over the years with the tragedy, I chose my area of practice in criminal justice to contribute and try to help the system better serve victims of crime and Canadians. I have worked in many areas of the justice system and my guiding focus has been on what we can do better.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you have received?

The advice that has served me best professionally and personally was to always show respect for any individual you come across. I was reminded to remember that everyone has a background and history beyond what is in the present and while you may not be able to ascertain that full history, the more respect you show, the more others will follow, and it makes for a kinder world.

What inspires you?

My father, my brother, my wife, my children, and my mentors inspire me. They all inspire me to work hard, show kindness and compassion, understanding and do all one can to help others. They have supported me throughout all my activities and accomplishments in life. They inspire and motivate me every single day. On a specific note, I watched my father suffer through an immense tragedy and turn that suffering into advocating for others, for justice and accountability. Not a lawyer, but a good-hearted individual who has always done what he can to help others. And many more like him have inspired me along the way throughout life.

What is your favourite thing about teaching?

What I most look forward to when teaching is not only the conveying of information, but the debates and discussion that follow which serve to improve upon my knowledge and thoughts and opinions. It is truly fulfilling to know that my teaching has helped an individual better serve a client or understand an issue that they have been confronted with.

Susheel is a Program Co-Chair of OsgoodePD’s National Symposium on Tech Crime and Electronic Evidence! Learn more here:

Susheel Gupta is currently the Senior Strategic Operations Advisor – National Security, Federal Policing National Security, RCMP. Over his career, he helped educate thousands of professionals and lawyers across the world on the legal aspects of Cybercrime and he was a Canadian designate to task forces on Cybercrime with the FBI and the Secret Service. Susheel has been actively involved in issues concerning national security, terrorism and aviation security and is an advocate for victims of crime.