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Osgoode’s Internationally Trained Lawyers Day: Celebrating 10 years of Diversity, Advocacy, Mentorship and Empowerment

April 18, 2024

Elisa Romano

Osgoode Professional Development (OsgoodePD) has long been at the forefront of supporting internationally trained lawyers (ITLs) in their journey to success in the Canadian legal landscape. Our commitment to diversity, advocacy, mentorship and empowerment is more than just a statement—it’s a lived experience. This commitment shines brightly in Osgoode’s Internationally Trained Lawyers Day (OITLD), a day dedicated to celebrating the achievements, resilience, and contributions of internationally trained talent.

For many, the journey to practicing law in Canada is not without its challenges. Cultural nuances, unfamiliar legal systems and navigating through regulatory requirements can pose significant hurdles. However, OITLD stands as a testament to the strength and determination of internationally trained lawyers (ITLs) who have overcome these obstacles and thrived in the Canadian legal landscape.

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by lawyers trained outside of Canada, OsgoodePD has been a vocal advocate for policies and programs aimed at creating a more equitable and accessible pathway to licensure and practice. Through engagement with regulatory bodies, government agencies, and stakeholders, OsgoodePD has championed reforms that recognize the credentials and experiences of ITLs, paving the way for a more inclusive legal profession.

Through Osgoode’s unwavering dedication to advocacy, mentorship, and empowerment, ITLs can find a supportive community and a pathway to success. As Osgoode continues to invest countless hours and resources into supporting ITLs, the legal profession becomes richer, more diverse and more reflective of the global society it serves. We are proud to stand alongside ITLs in their journey to success, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to thrive in the Canadian legal landscape and beyond.

Mark this milestone with us! Osgoode’s 10th Internationally Trained Lawyers Day (OITLD) on May 28 and 29, 2024!

Osgoode’s Internationally Trained Lawyers Day holds a unique position as one of the only events of this type and purpose in Canada. This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever before, spanning two inspiring days of insights, connections and celebration. With a hybrid format, you can tailor your experience to suit your preferences – whether joining us virtually for the opening sessions or immersing yourself in the full-day experience in person. It’s all about providing flexibility while ensuring you have access to the knowledge and connections that matter most.

Highlights include specialized sessions by esteemed organizations like the Black Female Lawyers Network, Canadian Hispanic Bar Association, National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) and the Law Practice Program (LPP). New this year, we’ll be having an ITLNCA Networks Speed Mentoring session as well as a Resume Cover Letter workshop hosted by Danielle Laflamme, Senior Manager, Professional Recruiting at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (“BLG”). And you don’t want to miss our Keynote by Justice Lorne Sossin, past Professor and Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, appointed to the Court of Appeal for Ontario. With its diverse agenda and interactive format, this event promises to empower ITLs on their journey to success in the Canadian legal landscape.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to celebrate a decade of OITLD and to connect with peers and experts in the legal field. Spaces are limited, so register today to guarantee your participation.

Here’s a look at the last 10 years:

Infographic that highlights the last 10 years of Osgoode's Internationally Trained Lawyers Day

Join us at OITLD 2025. Sign up to be the first to get updates on our upcoming event.