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Jonathan A. Pinto, LLM

August 23, 2019

Roz Bahrami

Before starting your Osgoode LLM in Business Law, what was your academic/professional journey like?

Prior to the LLM in Business Law at Osgoode, I completed an Honours B.Comm. at McMaster University and received my MBA in Finance from the University of Windsor. I have primarily worked in finance roles, within investment banking and equity research at top-tier firms such as Citigroup and Scotia Capital, and I later transitioned to working in various high impact roles on the corporate side. I undertook the LLM in Business Law on a part-time basis when I worked at Manulife Financial.

What are some of your accomplishments which make you most proud in your professional development so far?

Some of my proudest accomplishments include working on a number of complex equities, debt and other advisory transactions during my time in the investment banking world. Also, I am quite proud of what I’ve accomplished at my current firm, Genworth Canada, where I lead the Investor Relations function. This role has given me the opportunity to make a unique impact with the investment community, including my work with investors, equity analysts and rating agency professionals.

What were some of your experiences during your LLM studies that helped you get to where you are today?

The Osgoode LLM program was a fantastic experience as it provided me with the legal lens I required to enhance and expand my contributions in my daily work at Manulife Financial and at Genworth Canada and will continue to add value throughout my career. The program allows for and encourages networking opportunities among the students and staff which allows for information sharing and mentorship. I continue to maintain working relationships with a number of professors and colleagues.

What advice would you give to people thinking about getting their LLM?

I would emphasize that the LLM program is not just a tool for lawyers who are focused on refining their interests, but for non-lawyers as well, such as finance professionals, who are looking to develop a legal skillset; a lens with which to view their environment from a competitive and governance perspective and with which to engage key stakeholders. The structure of the program was fairly flexible as it is geared towards working professionals. So while working in a fairly demanding role, I found it manageable.

Wondering if the Professional LLM is right for you? Get information on course requirements, application dates, tuition and more!