Health care in Canada is governed by multiple legal regimes that continue to increase rapidly in both number and complexity. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the legal frameworks within which health care systems, providers and funding regimes operate and patients receive care. It begins with an historical introduction to the Canadian medicare system and a consideration of provincial and federal jurisdiction over health. It then covers such topics as the scope and application of the Canada Health Act; the import of the Social Union Framework Agreement; ramifications of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; provincial health insurance plans; concepts of "medical necessity" in law and policy; allocating scarce resources through provider limits and patient/treatment limits; an introduction to governance of health care institutions such as hospitals and free-standing health facilities; and health system restructuring.


Pre-requisite for students outside the LAWH specialization: foundational knowledge of or exposure to Health Law from previous education or professional experience.

Anti-requisite: LAW 6860P - The Canadian Health Care System: Legal Frameworks

NCA equivalence:


Terms Offered

Fall 26

Course Section: A

3.0 credits

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