Students will be intensively exposed to a broad range of topics in the field. Topics include: adjudication and problem-solving; how the legal system understands conflict; a range of alternate theoretical models for analyzing and responding to conflict; conflict escalation and de-escalation; the impact of race, gender and cultural norms on conflict analysis; and evaluation of a range of negotiation theories, strategies and negotiator styles; philosophies, theories and styles of mediation; mediator neutrality; ethical issues in negotiation and mediation; power in negotiation and mediation; the role of the lawyer as negotiator and mediation advocate; hybrid processes for dispute resolution; designing dispute resolution processes; and the future of ADR.
Anti-requisite: LAW 6301 - The Theory and Practice of Dispute Resolution
NCA equivalence:
Terms Offered
Winter 26
6.0 credits
Winter 27
Course Section: M
6.0 credits
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