April 20, 2023
In October 2022, OsgoodePD issued its first digital credential for the Osgoode Certificate in Fundamentals of Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law. After completing all program modules and passing an online exam, learners can claim a digital credential (or “badge” as some may call it), in addition to receiving a paper certificate.

Since this initial launch, more than 55% of OsgoodePD certificate graduates have claimed, displayed, and shared their earned digital credential – 100% of this number displaying them LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
With Canada’s job market remaining increasingly competitive and undergoing radical change, it is now estimated that the average Canadian will hold approximately 15 jobs over their career. Whether applying for a new job or promotion, upgrading one’s skills or learning new skills (reskilling) is essential to a successful career. In such a competitive, and crowded job market with ever-changing in-demand skills, how can someone stand out to potential employers? How can they provide clear, credible evidence of their skills and accomplishments? For employers – how can qualified, skilled applicants be easily identified among hundreds of applications? How can the credential verification process be more reliable and faster? The answer: digital credentials.
What Are Digital Credentials?
Digital credentials are digital certifications or certificates issued by a given institution … Just like paper credentials, digital credentials hold genuine evidential value. Digital credentials are really no different from physical credentials, such as a passport. Just as when you present your passport at a border control, when you apply for a job or a university course, you need to be able prove you have the necessary qualifications.” (bcdiploma.com)
In addition to digital credentials’ ability to showcase a person’s accomplishments and skills on online platforms, or in electronic job applications, and CVs, they can also be easily shared through other means within one’s network. Potential employers can also verify them immediately. Not only does this save time and the need to find and share paper qualifications that can be clunky, hard to verify, destroyed (over time) and hard to locate, but they also contain useful information about the requirements of the credential, including what was learned and assessed.
The digital credential can only be claimed and shared by the named learner and issued by the verified educational institution. They are portable, encrypted, and secure – they cannot be replicated. Displaying a digital credential reliably and authentically signifies that the learner has earned the credential and demonstrated comprehension of the program’s learning objectives, core concepts and skills. OsgoodePD badges are hosted on a secure, third-party site and do not expire.
This valuable form of credentialling is now issued in 30+ Osgoode Certificates and intensive programs, and this number will continue to rise. For a complete listing, or to sign up for an information session, visit: Osgoode Certificates
Heather Gore Liddell is Director, CLE Programs with Osgoode Professional Development.
Questions? Comments? Feel free to reach out: hgoreliddell@osgoode.yorku.ca