Program Chairs

The Hon. Justice Jeanine LeRoy

Associate Chief Justice, Co-Ordinator of Justices of the Peace, Ontario Court of Justice

Caitlyn Kasper

Senior Staff Lawyer, Aboriginal Legal Services

Don’t miss the 9th National Conference on Indigenous Criminal Justice Post-Gladue, October 26th, 2024

This one day program gives you a unique opportunity to come together and discuss current challenges, new legal decisions and ways to improve the criminal justice system as it affects Indigenous people.

2024 is the 25th Anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada’s landmark decision in R. v. Gladue. This national program will be a forum for discussion on current key issues and an opportunity for you to ask questions and offer your comments.

Please Note: In-person space is limited and filling up quickly!

Registration includes 120-day unlimited, online access to the recorded program.

What You’ll Learn

Critical case law updates

Indigenous identity at the margins: navigating R v. Kehoe (2023 BCCA 2) and R. v. Hamer (2021 BCCA 297)

How judges and counsel can engage with Gladue principles in a meaningful way

Sealing of Gladue Reports

Can Gladue reports re-traumatize in the pursuit of healing?

Gladue reports as Indigenous (oral) storytelling: traditional aspects to modern justice

Who Should Attend

Anyone who works with Indigenous people involved in the criminal justice system


Program Chairs

The Hon. Justice Jeanine LeRoy

Associate Chief Justice, Co-Ordinator of Justices of the Peace, Ontario Court of Justice

Caitlyn Kasper

Senior Staff Lawyer, Aboriginal Legal Services

Keynote Speaker

(Appearing by live video)

Niigaanwewidam Sinclair

Professor of Native Studies, University of Manitoba


Past Delegate

“Everyone was well-versed and obviously dedicated to the development of Gladue courts and application of the Gladue principles in regular courts as well.”


Q & A

Concluding Remarks and Closing Ceremony


Recorded: Oct 26, 2024

$495 + TAX

Printable registration form

If a downloadable form is required, please contact

“Is financial assistance or funding available?”

As law evolves, we know how important it is to stay up to date. We also understand the financial implications of continuously upgrading your professional skills and knowledge. For more information on available options, including Job Grants, OSAP, please visit:

Past Delegate

“All speakers were thoughtful, well-informed and generous with their knowledge and experiences.”

CPD and Accreditation

OsgoodePD is an accredited provider with the LSO, the Law Society of BC and NY CLE Board. Select your location to view the eligible hours you may claim.

CPD Hours
Contact us for inquiries about other provinces.
Substantive 2h 30m
EDI2h 30m

Are you reporting hours from a previous date?

View our CPD & Accreditation page to see previously calculated hours for this course.

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